Asylum is quite opposite of extradition. A
states liability to grant asylum is of ancient origins. Every state has preliminary
right to grant asylum unless it has accepted some particular restriction in
this regard for example a treaty of extradition would be reasonable check on
the right of asylum to the extent of the treaty. The word asylum is Latin word and derived from a Greek word asylim which
means unavoidable person.
A sanctuary or place of refuge
and protection where criminals and debtors find shelter and from which they cannot
be taken without sacrilege. “Asylum
is the protection which a state grants on its territory or in some of her place
under the control of certain of its organs to a person who comes to seek it.” Article 14 of universal declaration of
human rights: Every one has a right to seek and enjoy in
other countries asylum from prosecution.
The conception of asylum in the
international law involves two elements. Shelter which is more than merely temporary
refuge Degree of active protection (by theauthorities
in the control of the territory of asylum.
It was held by ICJ that asylum may be
granted on humanitarian grounds in order to protect political offenders against
the violent actions. Territorial asylum is the right of the state whether to grant the territorial
asylum or not . the state concerned can also reject the territorial asylum when
there is a large number of the person seeking the asylum The territorial asylum is not granted to the terrorist
. This kind of
asylum is granted to criminals who expect the prosecution it is also granted to
the political criminals. Asylum granted by a state in the exercise of its sovereignty to persons
entitled to persons entitled to invoke art 14 of the universal declaration of
the human rights shall be respected by all other states. Every
state has the right in the exercise of its sovereignty to admit into its
territory such persons as it deems advisable without through the exercise of
the right giving rise to complaints by any other state.
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