Saturday, 3 January 2015

Subject Of International Law| Legal Education

International law is that body of law which is composed for its greater part of the principles and rules of conduct which states feel themselves bound to observe. There are two approaches regarding subjects of international law viz traditional and modern approaches. The subjects of international law have added to regulate the affairs amongst the states and other international organizational institutions.
  A subject of the law is an entity capable of possessing international rights and duties and having capacity to maintain its rights by bringing international claims.

    Law aggregate of rule set by men as political superior or sovereign to men as political subject. International law or the law of nations is the name of a body of rules which according to the usual definition regulate the conduct of the states in their intercourse with one another.  International law is a body of customary and conventional rules which are considered binding on civilized states in their relations with each others. a.      Only states are the subjects of international law.  (Oppencheimb.      Only individuals are the subjects of international law.(Keelson  International law is primarily concerned with the rights and duties and interests of the State (stark’s theory) a.      States b.      International organizations or institutions c.       Individuals d.      Non state entities. States is a group of human beings organized in a special way to secure certain results. (Lipson

     Territory      Population    Government      Sovereigtnty    Population     Government        Permanence Legality       State succession         Capacity to enter into international relations  Protective or police functions are those indispensable and essential activates of the state upon which its existence depends such as preservation of external security and the maintenance of internal peace and other. It is now generally admitted that the state has a define responsibility for the material welfare of its members. State is direct agent of the economic life of the community laws are also enacted to present mal practices in the economic filed.  public international organization. UNO,  WTO, WHO, IMF, ICC,      ICJ,   Saarc,   G8, European union   . rebels . belligerents,  minorities,  refugee,   Asylum seekers,  Diplomat agents,  Extradited persons,  Prisoners of war,   Slaves,  Hijackers, Terrorists,    Drug traffickers, Pirates, Civilians,  traditionally international law has not regarded colonies as possessing and international personality because the control of colony foreign relations. Rested entirely in the hands of colonial power.

  There are three situations where protection may be  given by a foreign states non state entities.   Protection may be exercised over a territory which did not have international personality before the protectorate was created.      Protection may be exercised over an ordinary existing states. The arrangement will usually be covered by agreement between the protecting and protected state and such protection does not usually effect the legal personality of the protected state.        In a few specific cases one ;state may exercise a protective power over a much smaller state without that smaller losing its international personality although the extent of that personality may be limited. Trust territories are those territories which governed by the trusteeship council of United Nations. There are two approaches regarding the subjects o international law are traditional approach and modern approach. and also there are four subjects of international law    sates international organizations or institutions individuals and non state entities respectively.



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